Thursday 22 August 2013

The Corrs

Andrea Corr  Caroline Corr  Sharon Corr  Jim Corr

Lough Erin Shore


Sunday 18 August 2013


回眸望 單人床
空吊頂 一口窗
唯吾息 落他鄉
萬籟寂 人煙荒


Friday 16 August 2013

Hyperloop Alpha

Concorde. Rail Gun. Air Hockey.

Under low pressure, inside the Hyperloop tubes,
pods mounted on thin skis made of "Inconel" a super
alloy of SpaceX that can withstand high pressure and heat.

 At front of the pod is a pair of air jet inlets at the nose.
Electric turbo compressor pumps the air from the
nose through the skis to make an air cushion.

Magnets on the skis, plus an electromagnetic pulse, to
give the pod its initial thrust; reboosting motors
along the route to keep the pod moving.

Warm air inside the tubes, high tailwinds, no sonic boom.
“The pod can go just below the speed of sound relative to the air.”

Elon Musk, Chairman, Architect & CEO

Saturday 10 August 2013

MyLego prosthetic

Indomitable, Lego style.

Christina Stephens, "The Lego leg wasn't meant to be functional...
sort of a metaphor for rebuilding life after a disability."

 Facebook : AmputeeOT

Thursday 8 August 2013

Stove BBQ

BBQ on gas stove..

燒烤 on a cold & windy winter day.

Slow fire. Heat sausages first to release fat to oil the pan.
Salmon, tomato & mushroom seared flat, unturned,
so they are brown & crisp on one side only.
When rare, close lid for 3 minutes.

~20 minutes, dinner served.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Ecosystem shift: the velocity for survival

Speed, and agility, for adaptation to change
will be crucial for survival of the fittest..

Global temperatures in the late 21st century
based on current warming trends

Velocity of climate change by end of 21st century
how far species must migrate at "status quo"