Sunday 30 December 2012


Buddha's Delight 羅漢齋


Eighteen Arhats

Soy sauce 生抽
Soy gluten 麵筋
Sesame oil
Garlic clove 蒜瓣
Peanut oil 花生油
Bean paste
Bamboo shoot
Glass vermicelli 粉絲
Bean curd stick 腐竹枝
Bean curd sheets 甜竹片
Fried bean curd 炸豆腐
Fermented bean curd 豆腐
Red fermented bean curd 南腐
Straw mushroom (Volvaria volvacea) 草菇
Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) 椎茸菇
Cloud ear fungus (Auricularia polytricha) 雲耳菌
King oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) 杏鮑菇
Shimeji mushrooms (Hypsizygus tessulatus) 占地
Wood ear fungus (Auricularia auricula-judae) 木耳菌

Where available

Enokitake mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) 金針
Golden needle Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) 金針
Black moss fungus (Nostoc flagelliforme) 髮菜

Friday 28 December 2012

To Zanarkand..

Final Fantasy X

New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra 2004
Tour de Japon: Music from Final Fantasy

 Nobuo Uemastu . Masashi Hamauzu . Junya Nakano
植松 伸夫 . 浜渦 正志 . 仲野 順也


Wednesday 26 December 2012

Reflection, on Boxing Day

On verge of the apocalyptic, chatter belied an imminence...

"Be careful what you wished for. You might just get it."

"Principle of Entropy in a closed, social media system ...may transition to phase change or asphyxia."

"for very obvious reason, kindly change my email to **takguna..."

"贬低和攻击的刺激语言 是否能够避免?"
"Where are we heading?.. 2012 12 21 may come to pass!"

"Because the evil is in our heart."
"I feel troubled by what I think I see, that I rather not see."
"I see signs of the end of this Group. Please prove to me that.. is wrong!"

"...if all parties involved were to back down 1 step and say some magic words."
"I oblige... I look forward to civilized behaviour in this Group."
"I was told to back up... if I refused, you can always remind me to shut up.."

Omission: revolting profanity and nauseating invectives.

"I am the one who is going to execute it.. Until the next group reincarnation."

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Odes of Joy from The City of Angels

Journey of Faith
South Bay Galleria, Los Angeles

Sunday 23 December 2012

形之 以先


人皆知 所以勝之形 而莫知 所以制勝之形

故勝兵先勝 而後求戰 敗兵先戰 而後求勝

孫武 《孫子兵法》

Saturday 22 December 2012

Ace Teams, for Obama

Barack Obama : Time 2012 Person of the Year

The Campaign Team

David Simas ran Obama’s opinion-research team, including focus groups
Stephanie Cutter managed the daily effort to defend Obama and dismantle Romney
David Axelrod, co-author of Obama campaign story, oversaw the entire strategy from Chicago
Jim Messina, the campaign manager, designed, built and ran the whole campaign from scratch
Jim Margolis, the TV adman, relentlessly bombarded swing-state airwaves for months
Jeremy Bird, the grassroots organizer, created a smarter, larger Obama army than in 2008

The Geek Squad

Michael Slaby, veteran of 2008 effort, hired the tech & data teams and kept them on track
Chris Wegrzyn built the infrastructure and software behind the massive data operation
Teddy Goff, the digital director, ran social-media, online and mobile outreach
Joe Rospars, architect of online fundraising for Howard Dean in 2004 and Obama in 2008
Marie Ewald focused on e-mail fundraising, helping raise $690 million online

Friday 21 December 2012

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Forever, with you

Won't Last Another Day Without

Day after day I must face a world of strangers
Where I don't belong, I'm not that strong
It's nice to know that there's someone I can turn to
Who will always care, you're always there

* When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you *

So many times when the city seems to be
without a friendly face, a lonely place
It's nice to know that you'll be there if I need you
And you'll always smile, it's all worthwhile

Touch me and I end up singing
Troubles seem to up and disappear
You touch me with the love you're bringing
I can't really lose when you're near

If all my friends have forgotten half their promises
They're not unkind, just hard to find
One look at you and I know that I could learn to live
Without the rest, I found the best

Sunday 16 December 2012

孰是 孰非

旁觀者清 當局者迷

Envy, jealousy and hatred are feelings, not objects, and as such they cannot be imposed upon a person.
A person cannot be forced to feel envious, jealous or angry, as these feelings originate from within.
Inherently, these feelings are latent and patent; what transforms feeling is the thought process.
Thought process is complex... and it can externalize these feelings into forms and actions.

只能意會 不可言傳: In the avatar of an elephant, the manifestation of feelings into form and action is only symptomatic of underlying causes... it is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, yet every one suffers in silence while a spiral of paralysis lingers. Paralysis of a stigma, by an aversion to incorrectness.

A dead ringer... perhaps.



症状表现:对别人的回绝, 不信任, 厌恶过度敏感, 而且很容易怀疑别人对自己有这些反面情绪。别人无意中的一举一动, 也可能被患者视为对其的敌意或阴谋。无理由的怀疑其伴侣在性关系或其他各方面有过不忠行为。顽固地认为其个人权益正受到侵害。患者常常极度自以为是, 并且完全以自我为中心。

诊断标准 (American Psychiatric Association DSM-IV-TR)

精神疾病诊断与统计手冊 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 简称 DSM):
301.0 妄想型人格障碍

对它人深度的不信任和怀疑, 视别人的动机为有恶意的, 从刚成年时开始, 在其他多种环境下都有体现, 拥有如下四种以上的症状:
  1. 没有根据的怀疑别人在伤害或欺骗他
  2. 无理由的担心其朋友或共事者的忠诚和可信度
  3. 不愿意对任何人倾诉, 莫名的害怕别人会用这种信任, 反过来对其造成伤害
  4. 在别人善意的举动或言语中感觉到威胁
  5. 对别人的辱骂, 伤害或怠慢等长期心怀怨恨
  6. 察觉出 (其他人却看不出来的) 对他名誉的攻击, 并迅速行动和反击
  7. 不断无理由地怀疑其配偶或性伴侣有不轨行为


Paranoid Personality Disorder

World Health Organization's ICD-10 lists paranoid personality disorder as F60.0 which is characterized by at least three of the following:
  1. excessive sensitivity to setbacks and rebuffs;
  2. tendency to bear grudges persistently, ie. refusal to forgive insults and injuries or slights;
  3. suspiciousness and a pervasive tendency to distort experience by misconstruing the neutral or friendly actions of others as hostile or contemptuous;
  4. a combative and tenacious sense of personal rights out of keeping with actual situation;
  5. recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding sexual fidelity of spouse or sexual partner;
  6. tendency to experience excessive self-importance, manifest in persistent self-reference;
  7. preoccupation with unsubstantiated "conspiratorial" explanations of events, both immediate to the patient and in the world at large.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Bless the beast, and the children

Keep them safe..

Bless the beasts and the children
For in this world they have no voice
They have no choice

Bless the beasts and the children
For the world can never be
The world they see

When the darkness surrounds them
Give them love
Let it shine all around them

Give them shelter from a storm
Keep them safe
Keep them warm

"Our hearts are broken today..."

Friday 14 December 2012

Theorem of Social Media

Theorem 1

Participants of Social Media may cause 節外生枝 on any subject, any object, any non-subject, or any non-object.

Theorem 2

A subset of participants of Social Media may be prone to assume the delusions of augmented intelligence.

Theorem 3

The axiom of Empty Vessel is absolute. Not only an empty vessel yields the loudest noise, the void in intelligence is also proportional to the size of the vessel which, by delusions of vanity, may also be paraded as the Emperor's New Clothes.

Theorem 4

Principle of Entropy holds supreme in a closed, social media ecosystem. Not only dynamic reactions occur among the reactants, the net energy from the counteraction will degrade to a minimum value at equilibrium, upon which the residual reactants may transition to phase change (anti matter) or quantum orbit (tangential) or asphyxia (singularity).

Postulate N+1

Social Media may assume similar herd behaviour to, for a lack of simile, the stock market. Where there is mass euphoria (and sense of bliss) it may be time to stage an exit; where there is mass panic (and sense of despair) it may be time to render due support.

Postulate N+2

Unique to Social Media, delusions of augmented intelligence may unleash a primal psyche into the augmented reality as an avatar of the participant. Manifests of avatars may project their alter egos, unlimited in form or abstraction, from divinity to cold crawly spineless creeps, for example.

Postulate N+3

Augmented reality in Social Media is a virtual multiverse, replete with interstellar dimensions where spirits soar, and interstitial crevices where evils lurk. Avatars may exhibit multiple and simultaneous manifestations, for example, of paranoid schizophrenia, dissociative identity, affective disorder, or such apparitions in combinations or in layers.

Postulate N+4

There are always inexhaustible commentaries with unfathomable delusions. Being not originator of subject or object, commentator contributes none greater to the sum of knowledge by the participatory collective, yet may add glitter, stench, hot air and disrepute.

Humour: Postulates & conjectures 20121214

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Lyrical, in between lines

抒情 字行間

Saying so much, by not saying all too much..

Monday 10 December 2012

豆泣 七步

煮豆燃豆萁 豆在釜中泣
同根生 相煎何太急






南朝宋 · 刘义庆《世说新语》

Sunday 9 December 2012

Happy 2013

Letter Press Diary

She spent a good Sunday looking for things.
She found happiness. So did I..
Next 2 months of it.

Happy Diary 2013 : DM Collection

Letter press: 

Saturday 8 December 2012


山城多虎 閒則懶呵呼


Friday 7 December 2012

Today, my moment

Today is my moment, now is my story..

I'll be a dandy, and I'll be a rover
You'll know who I am by the songs that I sing
I'll feast at your table, I'll sleep in your clover
Who cares what tomorrow will bring

Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I'll taste your strawberries, I'll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows shall all pass away
'Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, Today 


Monday 3 December 2012

念奴娇 · 赤壁怀古



苏轼 · 苏东坡

Sunday 2 December 2012

Yarra River, a view at Docklands

View from River Edge, Docklands towards the
Melbourne Convention Centre and Crown Casino

Friday 30 November 2012

For FIW, moi encore plus

As we reflect upon snippets of memories therefrom
henceforth heretofore whereupon, we remember...

Je t'aime.. Moi non plus
Oui.. Brigitte Bardot

Thursday 29 November 2012

Mercury rising.. of the century

39~45°C in and around Melbourne today.
Hottest November day in more than a century.

Atlantic salmon salad to cool off...

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Fly me to the moon, on a plane

Amazing breakthrough in propulsion system: two-in-one
air-breathing jet engine & rocket engine in a single nacelle.

Skylon Sabre engine:


Queen Amidala's private Naboo cruiser suddenly looks rather real..

Monday 26 November 2012

不能說的 · 秘密

冷咖啡離開了杯墊 我忍住的情緒在很後面
拼命想挽回的從前 在我臉上依舊清晰可見
最美的不是下雨天 是曾與你躲過雨的屋簷
回憶的畫面 在盪著鞦韆 夢開始不甜
你說把愛漸漸放下 會走更遠
又何必去改變 已錯過的時間
你用你的指尖 阻止我說再見
想像你在身邊 在完全失去之前
你說把愛漸漸放下 會走更遠
或許命運的籤 只讓我們遇見
只讓我們相戀 這一季的秋天
飄落後才發現 這幸福的碎片


Full movie:

Thursday 22 November 2012

明觀 清澈

唯物 对事 不对人
唯心 对人 不对事

燥火攻心 溃口崩缺 闻之 厌恶讳矣
自以为是 盲目判决 观而 呕心忌之

唯物 观不系 搁置外身
唯心 照不宣 蕴育内涵

若事 其来龙去脉 实枝虚节 为执事正题 非闲等胡扯
若人 其前因后果 明枪暗箭 为历史后记 难一朝明澈

明事者 事故明之
铭心者 心清铭之


Tuesday 20 November 2012


望著海一片 滿懷倦 無淚也無言
望著天一片 只感到情懷亂

我的心又似小木船 遠景不見 但仍向著前

誰在命裡主宰我 每天掙扎 人海裡面
心中感嘆 似水流年 不可以留住昨天

留下只有思念 一串串永遠纏

浩瀚煙波裡 我懷念 懷念往年
外貌早改變 處境都變 情懷未變

Sunday 18 November 2012

泥鳗 井蛙

泥鰻 焉知 鴻翱志
井蛙 何曉 湖映輝


Wednesday 7 November 2012

The Mission

Man of peace, man of war, worlds apart.
Jeremy Irons . Robert De Niro


Ennio Morricone  |  Composer, conductor
Roma Sinfonietta  |  Symphony Orchestra

Roland Joffé  |  Director 1986

Ennio Morricone :

Monday 5 November 2012

Fast Car, 20 years on

Fast Car

A refreshing take on Tracy Chapman's song
by a younger generation some 20 years later.

A concert version of the original song,
as relevant and poignant as it is today.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Sunday 28 October 2012

對月 三人

相識為緣 相見為份
緣份為命 相惜在人
隔海心純 地遠情真
遙思千里 對月三人


Friday 26 October 2012