Barack Obama : Time 2012 Person of the Year
The Campaign Team
David Simas ran Obama’s opinion-research team, including focus groups
Stephanie Cutter managed the daily effort to defend Obama and dismantle Romney
David Axelrod, co-author of Obama campaign story, oversaw the entire strategy from Chicago
Jim Messina, the campaign manager, designed, built and ran the whole campaign from scratch
Jim Margolis, the TV adman, relentlessly bombarded swing-state airwaves for months
Jeremy Bird, the grassroots organizer, created a smarter, larger Obama army than in 2008
The Geek Squad
Michael Slaby, veteran of 2008 effort, hired the tech & data teams and kept them on track
Chris Wegrzyn built the infrastructure and software behind the massive data operation
Teddy Goff, the digital director, ran social-media, online and mobile outreach
Joe Rospars, architect of online fundraising for Howard Dean in 2004 and Obama in 2008
Marie Ewald focused on e-mail fundraising, helping raise $690 million online
Time 2012 Person of The Year: